Saturday, 4 December 2010

Weigh-In #8

I think I have missed a weigh-in somewhere, because next week the first 9 weeks (with the extension of the weeks I couldn't make it)of my weight-loss challenge is finished. 

This week I hadn't lost any weight, but hadn't gained any. My clothes were baggier so I thought I must have lost some weight - apparently not. Considering the extenuating circumstances of the previous two week, I was really happy with this. 

Typically, when i am distraught the first thing I reach for is comfort food - Especially cake. I only had a couple of small pieces over that time, so I was really pleased with myself. As things had been exceptionally busy the previous week, I was also happy that I had managed to keep my food pretty much on track.

So, one more week to go. I need to pump it up for the last few days. Tmw will be a hard day to do much as I have a lunch and dinner at church, but Monday and Tuesday I need to work hard at it. Both exercise and food.

Catch you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Kate!!!!!! SUPER DUPER PROUD OF YOU!!! Keep your eyes on goal you are going really well!
