Saturday, 16 October 2010

God Talks

It's funny how God decides to use us a lot when we feel at our worst.

Yesterday, I felt worse than I had in a long time. I wasn't a 100% sure why. But in my afternoon of activities I found myself walking beside a family that was going through a crisis, helping them carry their pain. 

This morning, I was up early to be at the 7am walking group with my gym in Wahroonga. As it happened, I was the only person that came for the walk this morning with the personal trainer. We had a great hour of sharing. I was privileged to have her ask me some questions that had bothered her about 'ethics' classes in schools, and deeper, why God would allow suffering of 'innocent' people.

In the midst of caring for the needs of these people, God gave me strength to continue on in a difficult situation and clarity of mind as I spoke to the trainer. One of the things I spoke of to the trainer was miracles in the world today - showing us the great compassion of God. These two days I have seen God give to me more than I had in myself to give. There is no way that I could have given to these people what I did without his divine assistance.

God still talks and 'does' today.

We just need to be watching for it.

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